Matt Hardy on The Exalted One speculation, state of AEW

Matt Hardy continues to make the media rounds now that he’s no longer under contract with WWE. 

On Monday, released an interview with the pro wrestling veteran where he talked about a wide range of topics. 

During the interview, Hardy talked about the progress that AEW (All Elite Wrestling) has made since their launch last year as well as AEW teasing the reveal of The Exalted One of The Dark Order.

The speculation is that Hardy will be revealed as the leader of the stable. 

“I mean they’re definitely listening to the diehard voice a lot more strongly than a WWE is right now. And you kind of get that because the WWE is much more corporate, a much more globally stretching and sprawling company. But AEW, they’re doing a great job of keeping people guessing. They’ll lay something on the table, but then there’s so many different directions you could go and you’re not sure of it. And the Exalted One is another example of that, for instance….But I think with AEW, they’re really paying attention. They’re listening to the fans and they’re also doing the most important thing that I think you can do in wrestling in this day and age, be unpredictable”

Hardy talked about how AEW is doing things that are unpredictable but makes sense which is very important. He thinks all promotions are serving two masters in this day and age – to cater to both the casual and hardcore fans. 

“And this is their characters, he’s good, he’s bad, whatever. And then there’s other guys that are more diehard fans that watch it and go, “Okay, well I know that Matt Hardy is this character and he is feuding right now with this Kenny Omega character. So Hmm, what are they going to do? And I think they’ll produce a great match. No, they’re not going to do this.” And they’re over analyzing it because they’re looking at it from a booking standpoint, like these are two characters that someone is pulling the strings on. I think we’re serving kind of both those masters and I think AEW does a good job at walking the line and kind of serving both.”

Hardy is still a free agent and has openly spoken about being in talks with various promotions including AEW and WWE NXT.

The former WWE Tag Team Champion has expressed making a decision within the next month regarding his future in the pro wrestling business. 

Hardy also talked about his last week in WWE, the segments with Randy Orton, his brother Jeff and more. You can read the full interview here.

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