Matt Hardy Says There’s No Heat With Sammy Guevara: ‘Sammy Is A Guy With A Really Good Heart And I Think He Wants What’s Best For Everybody Else’

The latest “Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast is up now on all streaming platforms. Matt addressed several topics, including Bryan Danielson winning the AEW World Championship. 

Matt Hardy’s thoughts on Bryan Danielson winning the AEW Championship at All In:

“There’s no one that deserves it more. You heard a lot of people say, ‘I’m gonna go out there and I’m gonna give 100%. I’m gonna give every bit of blood, sweat and tears in my body’, but Bryan Danielson is the epitome of that. He is the consummate pro when it comes to leaving it all out there. He just gives everything. He takes his chance, he takes his risk, whatever he has to do to win a match and to entertain the audience and to keep it. He has a very high level of expectation,which he wants to deliver in every single match. He always rises to the occasion and he makes sure that happens. I mean, sometimes he beats himself up and he hurts himself, right? He gets hurt a lot. That’s because he works at just such a very high rate. I gotta tell you, man, he is a guy that feels like since he has come to AEW, he is a guy that is truly one of the heart and soul members of AEW.”

There are fans online who believe there’s heat between Matt and Sammy Guevara because of the accident that led to Jeff getting concussed during a Rampage taping earlier this year. Matt talked about his relationship with Sammy:

“Me and him have quite a bit of history, ups and downs in AEW and it’s still strange in some ways to think about how people think there’s such a disdain between us, but there’s not. We’re actually really close. We text a lot, no hatred, and we’re cool with one another. There’ll be times where I’ll get a text for him, like, when I showed up at TNA, when I was going to do the GCW, he’s just like, ‘Man, it’s just so inspiring how you’re able to go out there and create buzz and you’re willing to do different things to keep your name in the news and I just want to let you know.’ He’s a younger kid and he’s learning as he experiences these things through and through. I mean, I certainly did it as well. I certainly fu**ed up more than my share in my earlier years as well and people are going to. That’s just something you have to learn as it goes on. At the end of the end of the day, I really do believe Sammy is a guy with a really good heart and I think he wants what’s best for everybody else. He’s just someone who’s just extremely passionate about pro wrestling. He loves it so, so much.”

Matt Hardy’s podcast drops every Friday at If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription.

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