MJF dropped a CM Punk tease at the end of AEW Dynamite

Some of the fans watching AEW Dynamite this week picked up on MJF’s promo starting out similar to CM Punk’s pipebomb in WWE from several years ago.

As noted earlier, AEW announced that the August 20th episode of Rampage will take place at Chicago’s United Center. Shortly after, Darby Allin said in a backstage segment that he will be at that show and he dropped a “best in the world” reference, with the clear intention to tease a match with Punk.

At the end of the show, MJF made a callback to Punk’s pipebomb promo when he started out by saying, “Chris, as you sit there in more pain than you’ve ever been in your entire life, I need you to listen to me.”

Punk’s pipebomb promo from 2011 started out with the words, “John Cena, while you lay there hopefully as uncomfortable as you can possibly can be, I want you to listen to me.”

AEW is not going to tease Punk coming in if they haven’t signed him and Punk has not denied the rumors so it looks like we may see Punk on AEW TV, possibly at the AEW Rampage show on TNT on 8/20.

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