MJF tells Renee Paquette to ‘shut your mouth’ while cutting a promo about Jon Moxley during AEW Dynamite

Renee Paquette conducted a live interview with MJF tonight on AEW Dynamite. 

MJF told Paquette to “shut your mouth” and that he plans on wrestling the match with Moxley at Full Gear “relatively clean” instead of just “clean” like he said last week.

MJF promised that he would not use the Dynamite Diamond ring to beat Moxley because he doesn’t need it and the only thing he needs to be a success is a grudge. MJF said he took all his grudges and put them into a chip on his shoulder. 

MJF said that he was going to fight “every single sorry scumbag” that told him that he wasn’t good enough and he will become the new AEW Champion. Stokely Hathaway came out and was told by MJF that Moxley needs to be 100 percent for the pay-per-view and he doesn’t want anyone to lay a hand on Moxley or he would fire Stokely.

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