Nyla Rose on getting hired because of Kenny Omega, her time working for Impact Wrestling’s ring crew

Nyla Rose was the guest this week on AEW Unrestricted. 

When Kenny (Omega) originally reached out to you about joining AEW and nobody knew you were trans, they wanted you as a wrestler for the women’s division. They hired you for you and they were not filling a check box, right?: “For sure. Absolutely. That was the biggest compliment for me. It made me feel really good because they didn’t see me as a check box, like, ok, we got one of those. They were like, we like this chick. We like what she does in the ring. We want to put her on television and we want that with us. Well, at the time, there was no television, but you know what I’m saying. They knew it was happening. I didn’t know it was happening.”

Rose told the story of working for Impact Wrestling with the ring crew: “I happened to know someone who had their foot in the door who was on the ring crew for Impact, Foxxy Roxy. She was gracious enough to say, hey, there’s an opportunity. It’s just ring crew. I can’t promise anything beyond that. I said, yea, let’s do it. She brought me on and gave my name to the right people. I don’t know who made the decision to give the thumbs up, but they did. I worked with the ring crew on a couple of shows. We were standing there, wearing all black as the ring crew does. They had a meet and greet before the show. You have so many wrestlers all around the ring signing autographs. This one kid came up to me and said, can I have your autograph. I’m like, why? The more he talked, I realized he thought I was Tamina Snuka. I looked over and they were like, if they want your autograph, sign your autograph. I said ok, cool. I just didn’t want to get in any hot water. I signed the autograph. That was a mistake because somebody saw me sign the autograph and so I started to get a line of people. At the time, I’m nobody and I’m thinking, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m not who you think I am. I signed Nyla Rose. They were just so excited wrestlers were out there and they thought I was somebody.”

Rose also talked about her favorite wrestlers while growing up, her reaction to seeing herself on a billboard in Las Vegas, swords, the inspiration behind her mask and in-ring attire and more. 

Check out Rose’s segment from Fyter Fest below.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit AEW Unrestricted with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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