O’Shea Jackson: I Would Have Had The Death Riders Jump Big Boom AJ In The Ring In Front Of His Son And Get Booed Out Of The Building

O’Shea Jackson Jr. appeared on Konnan’s “Keepin’ It 100” podcast to give his take on the latest pro wrestling storylines.

Jackson was asked about Chris Jericho and some of the backlash he gets from some fans who aren’t a fan of what he’s doing on AEW with The Learning Tree storyline.

Jackson said, “I mean with Jericho, he’s become such a polarizing kind of figure over there. Whether it be in the ring our out of the ring. For a while, there was talk of a Jericho curse like once you do something with Jericho, you’re not gonna be seen on TV anymore. There’s always gonna be ups and downs. I’ve seen fans turn on stars all the time. Maybe it’s time to step back a little bit and let them miss you. They know what they want when they get Jericho. They know that he was one of the first reasons why people tuned into AEW when he made the surprise appearance. He’s their first champion so like he’s a major part of that programming. People will get over it. It is what it is.”

Jackson commented on Jon Moxley’s Death Riders angle:

“I think the Death Riders thing, I think there’s been a couple of missed opportunities with that. WWE always gets sh*t for their celebrity work or whatever or working with influencers and they just had Big Boom AJ and Big Justice, which as far as commercializing, it’s gonna get you views. People are going to watch, whether you hate them or you love them. They’re going to watch because of these guys and we got them on the pre-show. Boy, I would have made every single one of those views pay $60. And then you got this evil empire building with the Death Riders. Boy, I would have had them jump Big Boom AJ in the ring in front of his son and get booed out of the building. We just had them put a bag over one of the best wrestlers to touch Earth. Their whole thing is they hate what AEW has become but then they let that slide? It doesn’t make sense. You beat up Bryan Danielson but you let these influencers come in and go out unscathed and get a victory on somebody from the roster.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Keepin It 100 with Konnan with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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