Thunder Rosa, Wardlow, and more in action on tonight’s AEW Dark

AEW is airing another episode of its weekly Dark program and the matches on tap for the show have been announced.

Among the matches announced include Thunder Rosa vs. KiLynn King, Wardlow vs. Chad Lennex, and more.

Dark will be back on Tuesday night at 7pm ET via the official AEW YouTube channel. All Elite Wrestling released the lineup for the show as well as hyped the matches with this post on Twitter:

The Blade vs. Ryan Mantell

Thunder Rosa vs. KiLynn King

The Varsity Blonds and Dark Order (Alan “5” Angels and 10) vs. Private Party and The Acclaimed

Abadon vs. Promise Braxton

The Bunny vs. Big Swole

Wardlow vs. Chad Lennex

Dustin Rhodes vs. Aaron Solow

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