Tony Khan Talks About His Decision To Reinstate Jack Perry, Reaching Out To Mariah May in 2023, Britt Baker’s Suspension

Tony Khan appeared on Barstool Rasslin to talk about AEW ALL IN: LONDON, the company’s biggest event of the year. The event happens this Sunday and will air live on pay-per-view. Scroll down for the full interview.

Tony Khan on reinstating Jack Perry:

“I was excited to reinstate Jack to AEW after he was gone for a long time. I thought he did very well in his excursion with New Japan. I was there in Chicago the night John Moxley became the first man ever to win the IWGP world title, the WWE title, and the AEW world title. It was a historic night. Also, I thought one of the real standout things on that show several months ago in Chicago when New Japan ran at the Wintrust Arena, was that Jack Perry had a fantastic match and his presentation was just really out of this world. I was really excited to reinstate Jack Perry into AEW several months ago.”

On signing Mariah May:

“I first reached out to Mariah May over a year ago about coming to AEW. I said, ‘I feel like you will become a huge, huge international star here. I really believe in you, and I think there’s a great opportunity here.”

When asked about Britt Baker’s two week suspension, Tony said, “Britt Baker’s been on the show just this week.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Barstool Rasslin’ with a h/t to for the transcription.

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