Tony Schiavone on Eddie Kingston: ‘I Will Say It Probably to the Day I Die, He’s My Favorite Wrestler of All Time’

This week on “What Happened When,” Tony Schiavone and Conrad Thompson watched The Great American Bash. Throughout the podcast, Schiavone and Thompson gave their thoughts on some current wrestling topics.

Tony Schiavone on Eddie Kingston:

“I will say it probably to the day I die. He’s my favorite wrestler of all time. He really is for so many reasons because what Eddie does seems, looks, and is real.”

Tony Schiavone on Big Bill:

When I first started watching wrestling again in 2017, the first person I saw was Big Cass walk out and I said to you, ‘Who the fu** is this and why the fu** is he on my TV screen?’ That’s because I was getting back into it. But now, Big Bill is one of my favorites because not only does he look great, I mean for a big guy, he looks tremendous. He is truly one of the great guys. I thought he and Brian Cage on Rampage just a week ago looked sensational. I thought they had a great match. I even told him so. I told him, ‘Bill, you and Cage against Trent Beretta and Matt Sydal was a great match for Rampage’, and it was, so props to Big Bill. Good guy and a New York Yankees fan. I have a lot of time for him.”

Tony Schiavone talking about AEW Collision:

“I’m telling you, Collision is a good show. It is a great show. We got a great announce team of Kevin Kelly and Nigel. I thoroughly enjoy it from top to bottom and I’m glad I’m around for it. I’m doing both shows and I originally was going to just produce backstage, but there are some live interviews they want me to do, so I do them, but basically I’m just backstage producing. We talked about it in a conference call this week that we had about how much we all are enjoying Collision, doing it.”

Tony Schiavone on Andrade’s interview on Collision:

“Andrade had a very good pre-taped interview that he did this past Saturday. I have a lot of respect for Andrade because we were talking to him about it, and I talked to him about it, Mike Mansury talked to him about it, Tony Kahn talked to him about it, about what we were looking for in the interview. Andrade, who speaks very limited English as we know, I saw him do it. He walked back in a place, like in a part of the locker room, and stood there and worked on his interview and worked on it and worked on it and we waited until he was ready to do it, and he pulled off a great interview in English about how much the mask meant to him, his culture, his heritage. It was good and tip of the cap to Andrade for working on that pre-tape. I liked it. It can’t be easy trying to do a promo in English.”

Click below to listen to the entire podcast.

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