William Regal on Claudio Castagnoli: “If you can’t, as a young wrestler, look at him and go take lessons, perhaps you shouldn’t be in this job.”

On this week’s “The Gentleman Villain,” William Regal talked about Claudio Castagnoli signing with AEW.

“It’s incredible to not only have him part of AEW, but I think he is one of my favorite people. I think he’s one of the great professionals of the world that everybody can learn from if they watch the way he carries himself backstage,” Regal said.

“I could do a whole podcast on my admiration for Claudio. He’s a pro through and through. He’s incredible. From the way he carries himself, what he’s gone through, how he’s got to this point in his life and just getting to America. I really do think he is quite possibly the best professional around today. So to have him in AEW is incredible for everybody, not just as a wrestler, but for the way he conducts himself.”

“If you can’t, as a young wrestler, look at him and go take lessons, perhaps you shouldn’t be in this job. Because if I just look at him, the way he looks, the way he dresses, the way he conducts himself, and his manners, it’s what everybody should strive to be.”

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