Eric Bischoff: Awesome Kong was difficult to work with

On the latest “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff and Conrad Thompson discussed TNA’s move to Monday night to go head to head with WWE Monday Night Raw.

One of the many names working in the promotion at the time was Awesome Kong, who was considered one of the best female workers in the company after her matches with Gail Kim.

Bischoff disagreed with Conrad that if Awesome Kong was around today, she would be a big star. Bischoff agreed that she looked impressive and believable but he says that she was not easy to work with.

Bischoff said, “She had a great look. She was impressive as hell, she was believable in the ring, but she was difficult to work with. If she was around today, unless she addressed that, because you can have all the tail in the world, but if you’re not manageable behind the scenes, by manageable I mean when it came to creative and laying out matches and being professional, unless you can bring that to the table along with your overpowering personality and your character all the things you can do in the ring, you’re not going to make it. You’re not going to last five minutes anywhere.”

Kong later worked for AEW and announced retirement from the business last year because of her back issues.

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