Eric Bischoff explains why he left TNA in 2013

On the latest “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff talking about why he left TNA and what led up to his decision. At the time, John Gaburick had gained power within the company.

Bischoff said, “At the end of this meeting, everything’s going great. Everything’s kind of upbeat, positive, and I find out at the very end of the meeting that the reason that I was called there is because there was a desire to restructure TNA and they wanted me to report to (John) Gaburick, which would have been, number one, a change in my contract because it’s not the way my contract was set up. 

Bischoff recalls telling Gaburick that he had no plans to work for him. He said, “Number two, I just went, no. Not that I didn’t like John, but, no. I remember we got out and we’re getting ready to jump in our car to take us to the airport, and Big (John Gaburick) looks at me and goes, ‘Eric, this is gonna be great. I mean, it will be you and me.’ He knew that Janice (Carter) wanted me to report to him and John was like, ‘This is gonna be awesome.’ I said, John, ‘It really won’t because it’s not going to happen. I’m not doing it.’ He said, ‘Just think about it.’ I said, ‘Okay, I’ll think about it, and then I’m going to tell you, I’m just not doing that. I’m not changing my relationship with the company because the company wants to restructure and I don’t want to report to you. It’s just not my thing. It’s not what I came here for’, and that was pretty much the end of it, and shortly thereafter, I was on my way out.”

The latest “83 Weeks’ podcast covers Bischoff’s final days with TNA. You can hear the latest podcast at

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