Taylor Wilde on Becoming First Impact KO’s Tag Team Champion, Training the Bella Twins, Getting Heat During TNA Debut, and More

In an exclusive for WrestlingNews.co, Steve Fall spoke with Impact Knockouts Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde. She talks about her first run with TNA and why she left, training The Bella Twins in WWE developmental, getting heat when she debuted in TNA, and more. Here are a few highlights and be sure to scroll down for the video interview.

Taylor Wilde on getting heat for debuting at Impact Wrestling and winning the Knockouts Title:

“Well, the one thing I will say where we were with TNA at that time, is all the Knockouts had known each other and have worked with each other for years on the Indies. For the most part, I think Awesome Kong was probably one of the only women that I hadn’t known. Traci Brooks Nikki Rox, we’d all known each other. Now, at the end of the day, it’s a business. Everyone wants to be champ, a new girl comes in, probably the least exposed even though I had spent some time with WWE before NXT you got hidden. So it’s like you were basically inactive on the wrestling scene. Awesome Kong, Kia, who, honestly, aside from the company, I absolutely owe my career to because homegirl is so talented, but she was also old school in the capacity that it wasn’t like, she was like, ‘Hey, girl, we’re gonna have this great match. Let’s tear the house down.’ It was like, ‘Hey, this is what we’re going to do. I’ll see you out there and then I will decide whether this is going to be good business or we’re going to be girls or whatever.’ There was a tremendous amount of pressure on me because again, lowest on the totem pole of the Knockouts at that time. I’m coming straight in. Even though these are my home girls from the Indies, it’s a business.”

On training the Bella Twins in WWE Developmental:

“WWE never put me in that category (Diva). They were always looking for the next Torrie Wilson. They were always looking for the next Trish Stratus, the next Lita, whatever, and the problem was, I didn’t fit into any of those boxes.not to their standard sort of thing At the time where I had hit the one year mark in developmental, they brought the Bellas in. They brought Maryse in. So they were really coming back to the, let’s hire models and teach them how to wrestle. Granted, these women have been extremely successful and no shade whatsoever. That part was deflating. I look at myself, Krissy Vane, Angelina Love, Nattie Neidhart, we were all responsible for training those girls in the developmental system and we’ve all had very different careers than them, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.” 

This interview is exclusive to WrestlingNews.co. If you use these quotes, please include a link back to this page.

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