NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 14: Night 2 results

NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 14: Night Two
January 5, 2020
Tokyo Dome
Tokyo, Japan

We are live with New Japan Pro Wrestling Wrestle Kingdom 14 results. These are the results for night 2. Refresh this page for updates throughout the night. Click here for results from night 1.

NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship – Gauntlet Match
The Most Violent Players (Togi Makabe and Toru Yano) and Ryusuke Taguchi (Champions) vs. Chaos (Tomohiro Ishii, Yoshi-Hashi, and Robbie Eagles) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Evil, Shingo Takagi, and Bushi) vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi, El Desperado, and Yoshinobu Kanemaru) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi, and Chase Owens)

This was a pre-show match. The match started with Bullet Club vs. Chaos. Bullet Club was eliminated with Ishii pinned Finlay. Up next in the match was Suzuki-gun. Robbie Eagles pinned Kanemaru so Suzuki-gun was eliminated. Up next to enter the match was Los Ingobernables de Japon. Evil pinned Ishii to eliminate Chaos. It seemed like a botch that looked like it could have been a 2 count but the referee said it was a 3 count. Up next in the match was The Most Violent Players. Bushi blinded Taguchi with mist to the face and then he was pinned by Takagi after he hit the Made in Japan finisher. New champs crowned.

Jushin Thunder Liger and Naoki Sano (with Yoshiaki Fujiwara) vs. Hiromu Takahashi and Ryu Lee
Liger and Takahashi started the match. Liger was in the match for several minutes before he could make the hot tag to Sano. Liger looked really good. He was pinned by Takahashi after getting hit with the Time Bomb. It felt like the match needed more time. A retirement ceremony will take place tomorrow night at New Year Dash. Liger gave a speech in the ring after the match. He said Jushin Thunder Liger was born in 1989 and the wrestler is no more as of 2020 in the Tokyo Dome. He thanked everyone for the 31 years of support.

IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship
Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori and El Phantasmo) (Champions) vs. Roppongi 3K (Yoh and Sho)

Solid match. Towards the end, Phantasmo tried to use the title but Rocky Romero pulled it away from him This allowed Sho and Yoh to make a comeback. Yoh and Sho hit a combo double stomp into the Shock Arrow cradle piledriver on El Phantasmo to win the titles.

British Heavyweight Championship
Zack Sabre Jr. (Champion) vs. Sanada

Very good match with some great mat wrestling mixed in. The last few minutes consisted of several counters and pin attempts that were countered into more pin attempts. Sabre was able to roll up Sanada for the win to retain his title.

IWGP United States Championship
Jon Moxley (Champion) vs. Juice Robinson

They got off to a fast start because Robinson attacked Moxley before the match officially got started and they fought at ringside. Mox set up a chair at ringside but Robinson was able to lock in a toehold and he drove Moxley’s head into the chair. Robinson followed up with a cannonball onto Moxley and into the chair at ringside. They settled into a regular wrestling match after the first few minutes of brawling. Things got intense towards the final minutes with several stiff forearms, headbutts and punches. Mox hit a double arm DDT and the Death Rider to pin Robinson and retain his title. After the match, Minoru Suzuki walked out and he attacked Moxley by choking him and hitting the Gotch style piledriver. Suzuki grabbed the mic and issued a challenge for Mox’s title.

NEVER Openweight Championship
KENTA (Champion) vs. Hirooki Goto

Very good match, especially during the final few minutes after KENTA hit a GTS that almost ended the match. They hit each other with nasty palm strikes then Goto hit GTW and almost won but KENTA slipped out. Goto hit the GTO to win the title. The last few minutes felt like a war. Great match.

Jay White (with Gedo) vs. Kota Ibushi
This was a great hard-hitting match. Late in the match, White hit a super uranage off the top rope that should have ended the match but Ibushi was able to kick out of the pin attempt. Ibushi was able to fight back with a v-trigger but he was too weak to go for a pin. Ibushi followed up with a German suplex into a bridge and pin attempt and then another v-trigger but White kicked out of the pin attempt. White pulled Ibushi into the ref and the ref was knocked out of the ring. This allowed Gedo to get in the ring with a chair and he hit Ibushi in the back with it but Ibushi no-sold it and he knocked out Gedo with a punch. Ibushi hit another v-trigger and then a sitdown powerbomb on White but the ref was still out. White was almost pinned after eating kicks to the shoulder and a v-trigger but Gedo pulled the ref out of the ring. White nailed Ibushi with a chair to the head and Gedo nailed him with brass knuckles. This allowed White to hit a straight jacket Bloody Sunday (suplex) and the Bladerunner. White pinned Ibushi to win the match. White hit Ibushi with another Bladerunner after the match.

Tanahashi gets AEW World Title shot if he wins
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Chris Jericho

During the video package that aired before this match, they showed the video of Chris Jericho saying that Tanahashi would get an AEW World title shot if he wins the match. Jericho was introduced as the AEW World Champion and he wore the title to the ring. There were sound issues early in the match but they were eventually fixed. Late in the match, Jericho was able to lock in the Lion Tamer and it looked bad for Tanahashi but Tanahashi was able to fight his way out of it and he turned himself out of it. Tanahashi fought back with a sling blade. Tanahashi went for a body press off the top but Jericho caught him with the Code Breaker out of nowhere but Tanahashi kicked out of the pin attempt. Tanahashi ducked the Judas Effect and hit his own Code Breaker. Tanahashi went for the sling blade but Jericho countered with a lion tamer attempt but Tanahashi reversed into a cradle pin attempt. Tanahashi hit the sling blade and almost pinned Jericho. Tanahashi hit a flying body press off the top but Jericho rolled through and turned him around into a high angle lion tamer. Jericho’s mouth was busted open. Tanahashi tapped out to the lion tamer.

Double Gold Dash for IWGP Heavyweight Championship and IWGP Intercontinental Championship
Kazuchika Okada (IWGP Heavyweight Champion) vs. Tetsuya Naito (IWGP Intercontinental Champion)

Naito worked over Okada’s neck early on in the match, including a neck breaker on the floor at ringside. Okada eventually took over on offense and he tried to hit the Rainmaker early on but Naito countered him with elbows. Moments later, Okada tried to pick up Naito and drive him into the announcer’s table but Naito fought back but Okada was able to pick him up and drive his knee into the table. Naito was barely able to get back in the ring before the 20 count. Okada hit a German suplex and tried for the Rainmaker but Naito countered into a swinging DDT off the ropes. Naito hit a poison rana off the top and ALMOST pinned Okada. The replay showed the back of Okada’s head hitting the mat. Moments later, Okada surprised Naito with a dropkick but Naito no-sold it and hit the Destino. Okada barely kicked out as it looked like that was going to be the finish. Naito tried the Destino again but Okada countered and then hit the dropkick. Both men exchanged some stiff forearm shots as they were clearly exhausted. After some counters, Okada hit the Rainmaker. He tried it again but ended up hitting a spinning tombstone. Okada hit the Rainmaker again and then went for the pin but Naito kicked out at the 30-minute mark. Okada tried the sitdown tombstone but Naito fought his way out of it. Naito spit in Okada’s face and Okada followed up by driving Naito’s knee into the mat. Okada hit two more consecutive Rainmaker clotheslines and then followed up with a third attempt but it was countered into a Destino by Naito. Okada kicked out of the pin attempt. Naito hit the stardust press off the top but Okada kicked out of the pin attempt. Incredible match. Naito hit the cradle piledrive and Destino and then pinned Okada to become the double champion. Incredible match.

Naito grabbed the mic and said that he would love to wrestle Okada again. He also addressed the fans but then KENTA came out and attacked Naito from out of nowhere. He nailed him with a knee to the face and the GTS.

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