AJ Styles shoots on TNA, Kurt Angle, Booker T, WWE and more

AJ Styles new shoot interview “Leaving an Impact” is available now at HighSpots.com. You can purchase it by clicking here. There is also a bonus option to purchase an autographed photo of AJ.

  • On possibly going to WWE: AJ Styles revealed that he has not had any contact with WWE. AJ said that he’s aware that there may be a stigma attached to him because of his time in TNA and being in TNA may have hurt his chances at going to WWE.
  • On possibly working for TNA again: AJ says he hasn’t closed the door on TNA and if an opportunity comes up and the right deal comes up then he may go back.
  • “There were some things in there that were some things in there that were pretty hard to swallow that were so different than my last one.” AJ noted that this contract offer was for 2 years and his last contract was for 5 years. He felt that this contract offer was a slap in the face.
  • Would he be willing to start from scratch at WWE: AJ said that if he was asked to move to Florida to train at the Performance Center it would be a tough decision but he wouldn’t mind spending time down there but it would be kind of hard to start from ground zero.
  • On Booker T: “I know he came in looking for a paycheck. I think that what he had to offer..I don’t think if it had that big of an upside. Sometimes I felt like he didn’t want to put this guy over or put me over. I remember being in a couple of matches with him and him saying ‘we’ll just call it in the ring’ but he didn’t call anything. I’m just supposed to react when he slams me.” AJ goes on to say that when Frankie Kazarian tore his tricep Booker told him “well, you should have stretched.” AJ felt that was not something Booker should have joked about considering that Frankie would be losing money while he was out injured. AJ did say that he learned from Booker. While he didn’t feel hate between himself and Booker he did feel there was some friction between the two.
  • On Hulk Hogan: AJ was also asked about Hulk Hogan’s role in the company and discussed issues with Hulk Hogan not promoting the company when he did media appearances. He also gave his candid thoughts on Bubba the Love Sponge and whether he felt Bubba deserved a job with TNA.
  • On Rob Van Dam: AJ also gives his thoughts on losing to Rob Van Dam and why he felt it was the wrong decision.
  • The Jeff Hardy/Sting incident: AJ talks about Eric Bischoff seeing Jeff Hardy about 20 minutes before the match and realizing Jeff was in no condition to wrestle.
  • On Jeff Jarrett: “If the man that put all his time, all his effort, even his money and is not willing…if they are going down…if the ship is sinking…if he’s not going down with the ship, something’s wrong. That’s a red flag”. Styles also talks about whether or not Jeff Jarrett leaving TNA contributed to Styles possibly holding off on coming back to TNA. Note: Some are speculating that Styles may want to see what Jeff is up to before coming to terms with TNA. Styles addresses that speculation in this shoot.

There are tons of questions answered by AJ Styles on this shoot. AJ wonders what Mick Foley’s role was in TNA, talks about Ric Flair running out of money at the bar, Kurt Angle, Matt Morgan, Tyson Tomko, Jim Cornette, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, what AJ heard about Paul Heyman’s talks with TNA, his thoughts on how TNA released Jesse Neal, getting rid of the 6-sided ring, the original plan for the Claire Lynch storyline, and tons more. You can purchase AJ Styles: Leaving an Impact (DVD or immediate stream) by clicking here.

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