Backstage news on wrestlers ignoring time cues at All In, Young Bucks being unselfish during main event

Saturday night’s All In show is regarded as a massive success. There was something for every fan on the show and the reaction seems to be overwhelmingly positive.

The only thing that hurt the show was that they had to go off the air seconds after the finish of the main event because a couple of the matches went long. The main event was cut short because Joey Janela vs. Adam Page went four minutes over and Marty Scurll vs. Kazuchika Okada went twelve minutes longer than their allotted time. Janela has said that he felt terrible about what happened but Scurll told Sean Mooney that his match was being crucified because it was in the semi-main event spot. Scurll also claimed that Nick Jackson told him not to cut anything out of his match.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter reported that fans at ringside could hear the people running the show yelling at Okada and Scurll to go home and both of them ignored it. Furthermore, there were people in the production truck screaming that message to the people at ringside for them to go home and the message was ignored.

The show had to be off the air by 10:58 pm eastern time because of time constraints given by the pay-per-view provider and they were given 60 extra seconds after a call was made for extra time. Thankfully, they were able to finish the match with just a few seconds to spare.

It was also reported in the Observer that at least one person noted that The Young Bucks came off as unselfish in the main event because they cut out a ton of their own spots and made sure that Bandido, the most unknown wrestler in the match to United States fans, would get the most focus put on him.

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