Brian Pillman, Jr. to begin wrestling training this fall

Brian Pillman, Jr. mentioned on his Instagram account that he will be going to Lance Storm’s wrestling school, Storm Wrestling Academy, in Calgary, Alberta to begin his wrestling training in September.

For you younger fans, Brian Pillman, Sr. was no doubt ahead of his time when he reinvented himself as the “Loose Cannon,” which led to him become the hottest free agent in pro wrestling in 1996. After working in ECW and WCW, he signed with WWE. Unfortunately, he tragically passed away at the age of 35 in 1997.

Pillman, Jr. posted the following on his Instagram account:

“The Prince That Was Promised. I am proud to officially announce that come September of this year I will be embarking on a journey beyond the states for the first time as I make my way to Calgary, Alberta to train with the best of the best in Professional Wrestling. The industry that my father’s career would have a lasting impact on even to this day 20 years later!

I just want to thank everyone for the amazingly heartfelt and relentless support I have received over these past few weeks!! Growing up I was sure that his legacy would be forgotten as the fans of his era grew older and the new wave of wrestlers/fans wouldn’t be exposed to his talent in a live setting. That theory is being proven wrong each and every day as people from all over the world are reaching out to me to express their love for my father as well as their support for my decision to pursue this awesome and inspiring career. Let it be known that on October 5th, 2017, the 20th anniversary of my father’s passing, I will be standing inside a wrestling ring North of the border, the same place he started, training for the very thing I was born to do!!”

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