Buff Bagwell addresses his manager’s criminal record, Twitter controversy and more

As was noted earlier, former WCW star Buff Bagwell trended online today after fans learned that his manager was sending out tweets from his account. There were also issues raised by fans who say they purchased Buff merchandise only to not receive it.

Bagwell said on YouTube that he’s been working on a documentary called “Change Or Die” with Diamond Dallas Page that focuses on his knee issues and addiction issues.

Bagwell said that “a guy named Michael Long” dropped the ball and a lot of fans did not receive “certain merchandise that they ordered” and he apologizes to those fans. He added that he never saw any of that money and he wants to get to the bottom of it.

Bagwell also said that Long has a criminal record and it’s a situation that he has to deal with on his own. Bagwell added that he does not condone what Long did and he did not know this when he hired him.

He also addressed the claims that he wasn’t tweeting a lot and it was mostly Long who handled that. Bagwell said that he and his team have gone over things related to Twitter and other times he was out of town but Bagwell said that he is a huge part of his social media and he plans on being more “activated” with it.

On his thoughts on the LGBTQ community, Bagwell said that he “supports anybody that’s happy in their lives.” He closed out by saying that he looks to make sure that the recent controversies don’t happen again and he wants fans to know that he stands by his name and his word and he apologizes. 

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