Cody Rhodes reflects on PWG experience, teases his opponent at ROH Final Battle

Cody Rhodes made his Pro Wrestling Guerrilla debut this past weekend while competing in the Battle of Los Angeles tournament. Several Ring of Honor stars including ROH World champion Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, ROH TV champion Bobby Fish, Matt Sydal, Scurll and Will Ospreay competed in the tournament. Rhodes did not win the tournament as he was beat by eventual BOLA winner Marty Scurll in the quarter-finals of the tournament. However, Rhodes did walk away with the PWG experience and commented on competing in the tournament in a new Facebook blog.

Rhodes posted this on Facebook:

Random notes from my PWG experience…

-Sami Callihan is an incredibly hard working man. And hard hitting.

-The respect the crew/wrestlers from this weekend showed for Jushin Thunder Liger was lovely. A lot about pro-wrestling has changed, but taking care of those who paved the way remains paramount. Also, undoubtedly he can still go.

-Bittersweet. I didn’t win “BOLA”…but any man that not only hits me with an umbrella, but also kisses my wife and hits me below the belt…that man is certainly a “Villain”. Congratulations Marty. You have a receipt coming.

-I did get a Pentagon shirt. I wish WWE would sign him and put his face and mask everywhere, because watching him through the curtain Friday night mall I could think was “this dude is magnificent”

-Ricochet is a movie star. (5,000 candles in wind)

-Tommy End, Tomasso, and Cedric are about to have the time of their lives.

-The Young Bucks are the tried and proven best tag-team in the world. I don’t know how a soul could fathom otherwise. (Finding out they are adult men who have children left me slightly flabbergasted. They look so young)

-Maybe my favorite moment of the weekend was watching two legit ass kickers in Jeff Cobb and Matthew Riddle skirmish for a minute.

-there was a six-man tag team match on Saturday that was excellent. Madness. Insanity. Flips and dives like you’ve never seen. A great pro-wrestling match from any standpoint.

-Knowing that I’ll be heading into ROH’s “Final Battle” on 12/2…I watched one particular mans matches very closely.

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