Hart Brother Smith Remembers Mae Young and George Scott

The first son of Stu Hart and the oldest brother of Bret and Owen Hart, Smith Hart has published a new column at PWMania.com. Hart pays tribute to two wrestling greats, Mae Young and George Scott. Here is an excerpt from his entry:

“The confirmed conclusion to the illustrious life of long reigning wrestling queen, the one and only Johnnie Mae Young delivers her well-entitled spirit from decreed earthly evil unto everlasting peace. Tenacious longevity aside Mae Young the pioneer breakout rookie, the heartthrob, the knockout diva, the (sports) entertainer, the globe-trotting grappler, performer, the athlete, the star, celebrity, champion, thespian, villain and heroine leave her world-wide cult following little to mourn. I, however am disheartened not solely for my own somewhat selfish reasons but because Mae fully intended to share the celebration of her 100th birthday with the wrestling universe by performing before a typically huge Wrestlemania crowd.”
“To the family and friends of the late George Scott I extend heartfelt condolences and fond recollections of the transition of rising stardom to his record-breaking booking and match making acumen.
“I remember those long vanished care free days of my impressionable youth – years before I or any of my brothers would be allowed to attend late night live wrestling events – when the wrestlers would show up at our house every Saturday morning for their weekly wages or on other odd days when some would dare the risk of a subtle workout in the dungeon.”
You can read Smith Hart’s column, “The Hart Grapevine” in its entirety at this link.

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