Jeff Jarrett talks about GFW growing and possibly securing a US TV deal

Jeff Jarrett recently appeared on The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast. Here are the highlights.

The evolution of Global Force Wrestling & the growing worldwide expansion:

We had a meeting earlier this week with and I’ll call them “soon to be partners” in the business world and as I was discussing and talking about things they were all nodding their head and it’s a pretty cool little story in that as they were nodding their head and they said Jeff it’s no secret, we’ve been watching every step of the way and I thought 15 years ago or even in 2002 when I founded TNA the world wasn’t as transparent and you didn’t have Periscope and all these different things to literally watch and they’ve watched us and Global Force Wrestling and the team we’ve got in front of the red lights and behind the red lights, they’ve watched us grow and that’s the cool thing. In 2014 in April that was basically the day we came up with the name of the company and as the months rolled along and we formed the alliances with different promotions it became a step by step process. Then it was Wrestle Kingdom 9 and bringing JR on board and Executive Producing that product and introducing it to the worldwide audience and as we launched the Grand Slam tour and had the TV tapings just all the step by step evolutions are just really cool and now we are kicking off our first events in the Northeast and they are also the first events of 2016 and we’ve got several other co-branded shows on the books.  

Continuing the Global expansion and awareness of GFW as well as a US TV Deal:

The International agency we’ve signed on with are out spreading and showing the world AMPED and as we gear that up, the million dollar question is The United States distribution deal and what is that going to look like. It’s really been a step by step process and the fans (The AMPED Army) they are getting on board one at a time and all of our digital numbers have increased. It’s exciting and it’s even more exciting when you sit down with the people who are you think are brand new partners but in essence they’ve been watching all along and they are excited to jump on board.

Full Podcast Episode Download Link:


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