John Morrison talks about Lucha Underground, Kevin Owens, Cesaro

John Morrison, who wrestles under the name Johnny Mundo in Lucha Underground, recently spoke with to promote Lucha Underground on the EL Rey Network. During the interview, Morrison compared WWE to Lucha Underground when it comes to talent evaluation.

“WWE is so huge,” explained Mundo, “and they have to crank out so many hours of television, so they don’t have time to take the care and attention to detail for the entire roster. That’s what sets Lucha Underground apart. There is an overflow of shows in wrestling, but no one else invests that much care to each character in the show.”

Morrison was asked about Cesaro, which he explained that he thinks Cesaro is a phenomenal pro wrestler.

“Cesaro is phenomenal,” said Mundo. “I cut my teeth in WWE, so I know their wrestling psychology, but we have the freedom other companies don’t. He’s probably thinking of a dozen things he can do every match that get nixed because there is no time or someone in the office doesn’t understand it, and that doesn’t happen in Lucha Underground.”

Just because Morrison is not in WWE anymore, that doesn’t mean he is not paying attention to what WWE is doing. Morrison gave high praise to current WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens.

“I worked with Kevin Owens once and thought he was extremely talented,” Mundo said of the new WWE Universal champion. “I couldn’t be happier for him. He paid his dues, and he’s doing exactly what he wanted to do with his life after working very hard to get there.”

Morrison also talked about his career and more. You can read the entire interview here.

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