OTT Wrestling makes major policy and staff changes in response to #SpeakingOut movement

In response to the #SpeakingOut movement, OTT Wrestling has announced the following policy and staff changes:

“Over The Top Wrestling has always been committed to the safety and well-being of performers, fans, and staff In furthering our efforts, the following changes and procedures are being implemented:

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Anne 0 Brien as the latest member of our team. Anne will head up our talent relations department and will be the designated contact dealing directly with talent on any issues they may be experiencing. Anne will also work closely with our training schools based in Dublin and Belfast. Anne has worked extensively in the entertainment industry for over 20 years, and also has an understanding of the pro wrestling industry having worked for American Wrestling Rampage on their European tours from 2008 to 2012.

In consultation with all stakeholders, we are currently updating our safety procedures, code of conduct, and disciplinary procedures in line with international best practice.

All Management, Performers, and staff will undergo Garda vetting.

OTT have also put in place a new board of members. The group will meet monthly to discuss and highlight issues within the Irish wrestling industry.

The current members are:

• Joe Cabray, OTT promoter, Head of School Of Wrestling Dublin and Belfast

• LJ Cleary, Current OTT roster member, FFPW Coach

• Kaydee McKeon Joyce, Current OTT roster member, FFPW Liaison

• Karen Glennon, Current OTT/ROH roster member

• Katey Harvey, Current FFPW Coach

OTT Wrestling takes all allegations of misconduct very seriously. In light of issues highlighted by the #SpeakingOut movement, no performer will appear in an OTT ring until any and all allegations are investigated in full.

OTT is currently seeking ways to safe guard some our most important roster members of all — OUR FANS. We are currently drafting a code of conduct for fans which will be displayed at the entrance of all future OTT events. We have a new email fans@ottwrestlin&com which is dedicated to fan issues, and we welcome your ideas on how to improve safeguarding. We believe that wrestling should be enjoyed by everyone, and safety is key. These emails will be monitored by talent relations.

Finally, we are pleased to announce the launch of The School Of Wrestling NI in the coming months. OTT Wrestling has attained the assets of the Wrespect Wrestling School. Our focus will be on creating a safe environment for all trainees who wish to train and learn professional wrestling. The School Of Wrestling NI will fall under the same health and safety and Code of Conduct procedures as our new school (also Coming Soon) in Dublin. As well as current Coaches Joe Cabray and Paddy Morrow, we are also extremely proud to announce former OTT Women’s Champion and Current ROH star Karen Glennon (Martina) as the newest member of our coaching team.

2020 has brought significant challenges, but has also highlighted an important need for change. We believe that wrestling should be a safe place for everyone, a place to leave the day to day pressures behind. As we press forward into the second half of the year, that is our commitment to our performers, crew, trainees, and our fans.
We look forward to a better future, together.

Joe Cabray
OTT Wrestling”


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