REPORT: Konnan underwent heart surgery due to effects of COVID-19

Konnan knows how dangerous the COVID-19 virus can be as Lucha Blog reported today the longtime wrestler recently had to undergo heart surgery due to the effects of the virus. It was added that he is in stable condition.

The former WCW/AAA wrestler has been very cautious during the pandemic because of his weakened immune system. In 2007, he had a kidney transplant that resulted in him having major side effects from anti-rejection drugs.

Konnan lost his mother in July 2020 due to issues related to COVID-19 after being in the ICU.  Konnan was hospitalized in February 2021 due to a kidney issue and tested positive for COVID-19. At one point, his condition was said to be very serious and life-threatening.

Konnan later revealed on his “Keepin It 100″ podcast that he nearly died while he was in the hospital. He was told there was a 60% chance that his heart would stop and they wanted to know what they should do with the heart if that happen.

We wish all the best to Konnan and hope for a speedy recovery.

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