Tag team title match announced for EVOLVE 70

WWNLive announced in their Tuesday newsletter that EVOLVE Tag Team Champions Drew Galloway & DUSTIN would defend the titles against Drew Gulak & Tracy Williams at EVOLVE 70. The stipulation for the match is that the losing team can never team again.

EVOLVE 70 takes place on October 15th at 8 pm EDT at the Dr. Smith Neighborhood Center, Orlando, FL. Here are the wrestlers that will be competing at the event:

-EVOLVE Champion Timothy Thatcher

-Chris Hero

-Zack Sabre Jr.

-Ethan Page

-Fred Yehi

-Darby Allin

-The Gatekeepers

-Jason Kincaid

Also announced was Drew Galloway vs. Matt Riddle in a singles match at EVOLVE 71.

Tickets are now on sale in the DGUSA.tv Store for EVOLVE events on 10/15 in Orlando, 10/16 in Ybor City, 11/12 in Queens, 11/13 in Joppa and 12/11 in Melrose, MA.

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