Tomorrow’s Extreme Rising show has been rescheduled

Exteme Rising issued the following statement today:

We are writing to inform you that the Saturday, February 8th 2014 Extreme Rising show that was to take place at the Irish Centre at 6886 Forward Avenue in Pittsburgh, PA has been rescheduled to due to inclement weather and a State of Emergency for Pennsylvania just issued by Governor Tom Corbett, late Wednesday night.

This is an unfortunate situation as Extreme Rising has invested a lot of time, energy and money into this event and was excited about our Pittsburgh, PA return. The safety and well being for our fans, wrestlers, and staff is the first priority. These unsafe conditions cannot be taken softly or ignored.

The present weather conditions, along with the projected forecast for the weekend, from the National Weather Service for Pittsburgh, the East Coast, and the mid-West does not favor anyone traveling into Squirrel Hill to partake in the planned event. Given these conditions, we can not risk the well being and safety of our, fans, performers, or staff.

Extreme Rising has arranged a new, return date for the rescheduled event for SATURDAY, MAY 10th 2014 7pm at the IRISH CENTRE in the Squirrel Hill section of Pittsburgh, PA.


We are offering various options for fans who have already purchased tickets for 2/8.

Extreme Rising will honor all tickets purchased for the February 8th for the newly scheduled date of Saturday, May 10th, 2014. You may also contact EXTREME RISING at or 215-385-5117 to exchange your tickets for the new scheduled (dated) ticket Pittsburgh return. If you are exchanging for the 5/10 event we must arrange your new ticket delivery.

For those who have purchased tickets already and want to exchange them for the 5/10 Irish Centre event, we are offering the following bonuses for the inconvenience of this weather rescheduling:

1) Between 4pm – 5pm on 5/10 we will provide a free cookout with hot dogs, hamburgers, and sodas with the crew and some wrestlers outdoors.

2) Between 5pm – 5:30pm on 5/10 we will present a special Q&A session ringside.

3) Between 5:30 – 6pm we will host a free ringside meet and greet with free autographs (in the provided program) and free cell phone pictures with wrestlers of Extreme Rising.

4) Finally, you will be able to retain the same exact seating arrangement you have been issued already

You may also exchange your tickets for 3/1 or 4/26 Philadelphia, PA event tickets by to make the proper arrangements.
Or you may exchange the ticket price for Extreme Rising merchandise (DVDs, Poster Boards, T-shirts). Please email to arrange.
You also have the option for a full refund at the point of purchase. If you purchased online email us at

Again we apologize for the inconvenience; the weather is out of our control.

Steve O’Neill and Extreme Rising

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