Update on Shane Douglas and Extreme Rising

Shane Douglas issued the following statement this evening:

It has come to my attention that Steve O’Neil and Extreme Rising are advertising me for their event this weekend in Philadelphia. At no time have I confirmed with Extreme Rising that I would be a part of this event.

After the Pittsburgh event in November of 2012 I made the professional decision to begin to separate myself from the organization due to family and other professional demands, namely “Pro Wrestlers vs Zombies”.

As many of you may know, we are moving into the marketing phase of promoting this movie and it has demanded the vast majority of my time. I wish Mr. O’Neil and his company all the best.

I apologize to my fans that have spent their hard earned money to see me this weekend, but I will not be appearing this weekend for Extreme Rising. You will be able to see me at the Wrestlecon events during WrestleMania weekend in New Orleans.

Thank you,

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas

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