Young Bucks admit they’re spot monkeys who don’t know psychology

Nick and Matt Jackson are The Young Bucks and they are currently sitting on top of the world’s tag team division. To be fair (and to totally dismiss the title of this article right off the bat), they’re not spot monkeys and actually have a great amount of ring psychology. Sorry if you feel betrayed but every click you give us gets us one step closer from being able to adopt a baby panda to keep in our office. We plan to name the panda Chyna.

Anyway, back to the point at hand. The Young Bucks are one of the most exciting tag teams on the planet and they have been compared to The Rockers since early in their career. This distinguishment is a huge compliment except for the fact that Nick and Matt have captured a lot more titles than Shawn and Marty ever won as a pair.

If you remember the old Hasbro WWF figures they released a Rockers twin-pack back in the day. One fan decided to do an awesome drawing of The Young Bucks to make them look like the throw-back action figures. He put the Jacksons in the same poses Michaels and Jannetty had in the 1991 line of figures. It was a really cool picture and that’s why Nick Jackson decided to tweet it out.

One fan came back at The Young Bucks in a way that was rather brutal. He said everything they do is stolen. He said Nick and Matt look like The Rockers and act like DX. Shawn Michaels is obviously an influence on them as they also use his superkick quite often, and by quite often we mean all the time.

Nick Jackson came back at the hater with one of the best responses we’ve ever heard. He sarcastically admitted him and his brother are unoriginal and that’s the only reason why they became successful. Jackson said they’re just spot monkeys who don’t know ring psychology. We know of a ton of people who would disagree with that statement. But it was certainly a unique way to feed a Twitter troll.

Well played, Nick. We’ll think about this line the next time we buy a Young Bucks shirt at Hot Topic.

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