Christopher Daniels comments on when he’ll retire from pro wrestling

Christopher Daniels recently spoke with about various topics. During the interview, he was asked whether or not he needs an ROH World Championship reign to put a stamp on his career. He stated that he feels like he has done enough in his career where people will respect his contributions to the pro wrestling business. He doesn’t know if he needs the ROH World Title, but he would like to have it. He noted that he put the idea of being ROH World Champion aside to focus on his tag team career with Frankie Kazarian. He feels that he has been selfish in the past when comes to being World Champion.

Daniels, who is 46-years-old, was asked if he’s thought about a post-wrestling life, he stated that he hasn’t given any concrete thought to it but noted that he knows that it’s closer now than it’s ever been. “It’s still hard to put a date on it or say, “Oh, I’ve got two years or six months or five years.” I certainly feel some of the matches a lot more than I did even three years ago. But at the same time, I know I’m one win away from being a champion again.” He feels that he and Kazarian can be ROH Tag team Champions again and now that he is in the finals of the Decade of Excellent tournament he feels that he could finally be ROH World Champion. He noted that its hard to say when exactly he’ll retire from pro wrestling.

You can read the entire interview here.

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