Jay Briscoe’s daughter has regained feeling in her lower extremities

The daughters of the late Jay Briscoe, real name Jamin Pugh, had a positive Friday while recovering after being involved in Tuesday’s car accident that took their father’s life and another driver’s life. The accident resulted in his daughters being sent to the hospital with serious injuries.

Two representatives of a local non-profit working with the Pugh family during this time shared an update on the daughters. Gracie, the Pughs’ 12-year-old, got the feeling back in her lower extremities after not having any feeling below the thighs a day before.

She also made small movements in her lower extremities on Friday, including getting in and out of bed to get into a wheelchair several times. She is also off the IV delivering medications and will receive them more traditionally from here on out.

Regarding Pughs’ nine-year-old daughter, JJ, she will be getting the feeding tube removed on Saturday so she can start eating regular food again and was fitted for her back brace Friday. She could get into a wheelchair for an hour as her recovery continued.

The couple’s son Gannon, Mark Briscoe, and the Briscoes’ father visited the girls on Friday.

The following information regarding donations and cards for the family was listed:

People can still donate to the Pugh family fund, which is nearly $50,000 past the $200,000 goal. While the limit won’t be raised, donations remain open for the family’s medical costs and such.

For those locally who aren’t comfortable with online transactions, people can send checks to the Bank of Delmarva, made out to the Pugh Family Benefit.

A t-shirt benefit by a Laurel local will be started soon, with shirts also available online.

A local business called A&K Tackle also has a benefit t-shirt and “Pray for Pugh” stickers available.

Those who want to send cards for the family and get well cards for the girls can drop them off at several locations in Laurel or mail them to Laurel High School in Delaware.

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