Jay Lethal would not be disappointed if he never worked for WWE, why ROH did not run shows for months during the pandemic

Two-time ROH World Champion is the guest on this week’s “Sitting Ringside with David Penzer” podcast.

Lethal was on to talk about starting in the wrestling business at age 15, the impact Samoa Joe had on his career, his big break in Impact Wrestling/TNA, what led to his departure from Impact, signing with ROH, whether or not he dreams about going to WWE, the “Woo” off promo with Ric Flair in 2010 and much more.

Here are some highlights:

Jay Lethal was asked if he would be disappointed if he never gets to work for WWE:  “I am honestly saying I would not be upset.  I would not feel down.  I would not feel like I missed the boat on something.  I have an action figure.  My dad and I talk about the fact that I have made it.  There are people around the world who know my name.  There are people around the world that if I were there, they would want to get a picture with me.  I have made it.  I will say this.  It would be cool while I am still wrestling at some point to say that I got to work or in some capacity for the company that helped shape my love for professional wrestling and that company happens to be the WWE.  If it happens, sure it would be cool, but I would not feel slighted or sad or mad or upset.  I would not feel like I missed something or feel like I did not get to accomplish something if it did not happen.”

Lethal talked about ROH not running shows these past few months:  “For starters, when this all started going on, we had a zoom call with the wrestlers and the office members and the owner of Ring of Honor Joe Coffey who actually said there are some people still doing these empty arena shows.  Joe said he was not the biggest fan of them, but the kicker to him was he didn’t really want to put his wrestlers in danger.  He didn’t want to put us in these airports and hotels in such a crazy time until this gets a little better.  What a cool thing to work for someone who is saying we are getting paid but he wants us to stay home because he wants us to stay safe instead of let’s get into some safe bubble studio so we can put out some content so there is some money coming in.  I still think even though we got home a little bit ago from some tapings we were able to do and everyone was fortunate and happy to do them, I think the only reason we did that was Joe realized there were a lot of guys on the roster who were wanting to do them.  I think if he thought there were a bunch of wrestlers not wanting to go out and were scared, this would have never happened.  In fact, he made it known he really didn’t want it happening because he would rather us be safe than sorry.  I think he felt we all wanted to do this.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Sitting Ringside with David Penzer with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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