Major update on Ring of Honor creating a women’s division

– ROH is looking to test an all women’s show sometime very soon. ROH is looking for the division to be like some of the indie groups that have booked arenas and done afternoon women’s shows taped for DVD releases prior to the evening men’s shows (that also include women’s matches).

Ring of Honor will be doing a test run show called Women of Honor at an upcoming TV taping

As of this writing, there are no plans on including this as part of future episodes of ROH TV on local Sinclair affiliates or Destination America. They’re looking at bringing in women from Japan for the first show.

Basically, the show will be a separate show from ROH’s weekly TV series on both networks listed above.

– On a side noted, ROH Booker Hunter Johnston is headed to Japan soon as he will be setting up some business ideas for 2016 between ROH and New Japan Pro Wrestling.

News from The Wrestling Observer website was used in this post. For more on this story please visit

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