More on the Rob Feinstein Perverted Justice story

As noted in the previous news item, Rob Feinstein went on Facebook to address the story about him being busted for trying to meet an underage boy online 10 years ago. This may be the first time he’s addressed this in detail.

The bust led to him being bought out by Cary Silkin and we never heard his side of his story but he would go through intermediaries like the Declaration of Independents website.

The backstory is that a local NBC affiliate in Philadelphia was doing a sting similar to the “To Catch a Predator” series. The series was titled “Perverted Justice.” No law enforcement was involved and Feinstein was never charged. Feinstein claims that he actually was talking to an adult but the photos were deleted before the story blew up in the media and he claims that the chat log was doctored. The chat log has been posted on various websites so it’s easy to find if you’re looking around for it. Feinstein basically claims that Cary Silkin and ROH officer office worker Syd Eyck consipired with Xavier Von Erck (Perverted Justice founder) to force him out of the company.

Bryan Alvarez noted inconsistencies in Feinstein’s story. He said that a friend was driving the car, which was still running and he was not planning on having sex with anyone at the house. The chat said that he was going to pick up “Brandon” at the house.

Also worth noting is that his long-time business rival Bob Barnett had said (long before the bust) that he would hear about Feinstein going to Woody’s, a gay bar in Philadelphia, on their “youth night.” For some people, the bust didn’t come as a surprise.

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