Several matches announced for ROH Past vs. Present in Las Vegas

On Monday, ROH announced Doug Williams vs. Jonathan Gresham for their Past vs. Present show taking place on Saturday, March 14th from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.

Williams sent out the following tweet: “Thought I should put this out there since I’ve had a few enquiries. I intend to honour my retirement in the UK and so won’t be accepting wrestling bookings here. The only exception is if any foreign company I am contracted to or work run a tour here, then I might… if forced. I am still however open to making non-wrestling appearances, training seminars, backstage roles etc. and other foreign wrestling bookings.”

Also announced for Past vs. Present … Generation Next (Alex Shelley and Matt Sydal) vs. Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll and Flip Gordon) along with Homicide vs. Brody King and Jay Lethal vs. Xavier. Lethal vs. Xavier was announced after Lethal challenged the former ROH World Champion last week.

ROH also announced that John Walters will be on the show. Tickets are available now at

The Past vs. Present show is part of their 18th anniversary weekend. Click below for ticket information on their 18th anniversary pay-per-view.

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