Spoilers for upcoming episodes of ROH TV

Ring of Honor held a TV taping on Saturday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Here are the spoilers for upcoming episodes of ROH TV:

— Dark Match: Cheeseburger, Will Ferrara and Joey Daddiego defeated Matt Sells, Brian Johnson and Plunkett The Ogre

— Women of Honor Match: Hendrix defeated Rose.

Episode 1

— Daniels cut a promo in the ring about getting a shot at the ROH World Title. This led to Adam Cole walking out, which distracted Daniels to set up Hangman Page attacking him. Kaz comes out and we have an impromptu tag match

— Tag Team Match: Page and Cole defeated The Addiction. Cole gets a clean pinfall on Daniels.

— TPT Round 1 Match: John Skyler defeated Sean Carr.

— Tag Team Match: Tempura Boyz vs. Motor City Machine Guns never happens as the MCMG are ‘attacked’ backstage.

— ROH TV Title Match: Marty Scurll (c) defeated Donovan Dijak

Episode 2

— ROH Six Man Tag Team Title Match: Kingdom © defeated Rebellion.

— TPT Round 1 Match: Brian Milonas defeated Raphael

— Cody Rhodes announces he will challenge Jay Lethal to a Rhodes tradition, which is a Bullrope match at the next PPV event.

— Singles Match: Jay Briscoe defeated Jay White.

Episode 3

— Tag Team Match: Young Bucks defeated Coast to Coast. Young Bucks taunt the Hardys by hitting Hardy moves post match on Coast to Coast

— Singles Match: Dalton Castle defeated Jon Gresham.

— TPT Round 1 Match: Curt Stallion defeated Preston Quinn.

— Anything Goes No DQ match: Punishment Martinez and BJ Whitmer defeated War Machine. Martinez with the win via vicious chokeslam on Hanson off the top rope and through a table. Punishment then does the same to Whitmer post match and leaves him lying.

Episode 4

— Silas Young and the Beer City Bruiser defeated Cheeseburger and Will Ferrara.

— TPT Round 1 Match: Josh Woods defeated Chris Larusso. Larusso.

— Singles Match: Kenny King defeated Lio Rush.

— Eight-Man Tag Team Match: Bullet Club (Cody Rhodes, Adam Cole, Young Bucks) defeated Briscoes and Jay Lethal and Bobby Fish. Post match Cole is alone in the ring and Daniels comes out. Daniels quickly puts Cole down with a pair of Angels Wings and threatens to take his hair along with the belt when Kaz walks down to the ring and reveals a Bullet Club shirt and turns on Daniels.

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