TNA going after ROH stars?

There may be something going on behind the scenes with TNA and ROH since both companies are running pay-per-view just one week apart. ROH is running in TNA’s backyard Nashville, TN. TNA has contacted some ROH talent. There’s a report that TNA has gone after some ROH talent but those talents were said to be under contract to ROH. ROH is trying to make sure that there are no issues with the contracts. Two names that are known to have been contacted were Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly. Davey Richards was said to be the conduit for those talks.

Adam Cole’s name was also talked about. However, a number of the ROH talents are expected to get good paying slots in New Japan towards the end of the year. Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows have put over New Japan and said that there is minimal stress working there and the politics are not prevalent like they are in America. Many talents view New Japan as the number 2 promotion ahead of TNA as far as prestige. ROH working out dates for their talent with New Japan is a nice way for them to keep talent from leaving and working for TNA. Also, some people are leery of going to TNA because of the way TNA has treated The Wolves. Even though they are the tag team champions, they have not been given a great push by creative. TNA is still the better paying and bigger company. One big negative with TNA is that the belief that if you work for them then it’s very hard to get in with WWE and the morale in TNA is not very good these days.

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