AJ Styles made an appearance on the latest episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including who he would have on his Mount Rushmore of TNA.
This is an opinionated question, as people have different answers to the Mount Rushmore question of listing their top 4 all-time wrestlers.
Styles said, “I’m biased though, because I’m gonna put my guys on there, the guys that I had unbelievable [matches with]. Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe. I think a lot of people would say Kurt because he was there for a long time. A lot of people don’t know he was in TNA longer than he was in WWE. I would throw Frankie Kazarian in that conversation too. Low Ki was unbelievable, there’s so many. James Storm, Chris Harris, they were a big part of the growth. […] Elix Skipper, Beer Money. There’s so many guys that made such a big difference. It’s hard to put a Mount Rushmore together, because everybody has their moment and how they got there and how much they meant to TNA.”