Backstage news on Eric Young’s title win

The reason Eric Young’s TNA title win was done with no real build was because the company wanted to hotshot on a semi-live show, as previously reported. But the reason that they didn’t just have him win the gauntlet and then challenge for the title at Sacrifice was because the company feared that Eric Young as a challenger at the pay-per-view would not do well. To me that doesn’t make any sense at all. I don’t think Young as a champion or challenger heading into this past Sunday’s show would have made a difference.

It’s also been hinted at that his title run was done because he has another show called “No Limits” on Animal Planet and the hope is that they could do some cross-promotion. This new show will feature Eric going on adrenaline filled adventures around the world. He has already filmed episodes in New York, Hawaii, Death Valley, and Puerto Rico among other places.

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