Gail Kim on why she won’t come out of retirement, how Impact Wrestling talent reacts when she gives advice

Impact Wrestling’s Gail Kim was recently interviewed on Busted Open Radio. Here are some highlights from the show:

Bully Ray asked Gail Kim if the talent is receptive to her advice in putting together the matches:

“I think they are very open minded. I will say, if there is any headbutting going on, it’s more of me trying to integrate storytelling, and teaching them by having them this generation combined with the generations of the past. They are looking for a pop. They’re looking for that move pop. They are looking for that reaction. I always tell them, ‘You want to be memorable. You want to have a match that like, 5, 10, or 15 plus years down the line you’re going to say, oh my God, remember that Gail Kim and Bully Ray match? That’s what I remember. People are not going to remember the move you did because there was a great move and it got on Twitter or the highlight reel. That means nothing. People are going to forget about those things.

You want lasting feelings and memories. That’s ultimately what I try to convey with them. I think the girls are very open minded. I think it’s a relationship of trust. I am very much all about that they are the creators, they are the artists, it’s their match. But, if I feel strongly, and I’m a stickler for psychology, I will tell them, ok. If they’re fighting me a little bit, and they are really feeling stubborn, and I remember those days, I’ll say, ‘Ok, you know what?  If you feel that strongly about it, you go ahead and do it because I want you to feel your match, and feel good about your match.’  Then ultimately, they can win their argument or I can win the argument. It’s a learning experience. It’s a learning curve to get better from that point. I love producing matches.  I found a new passion within this business.”

Gail Kim was asked if she feels like her body is fully healed:

“No. I work my ass off everyday of the week to make my day to day very normal. So people who see me probably ask me to come out of retirement because I appear normal, but I know if I had a match, I’m probably one or two matches away from having another back surgery.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Busted Open Radio with a h/t to for the transcription. Busted Open Radio can be heard on SiriusXM’s Fight Nation (Channel 156), Monday through Saturday from 9 am to Noon eastern.

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