Gail Kim says the X-Division does not get the recognition it should in TNA

TNA Impact Wrestling’s Gail Kim took some time to participate in an exclusive interview with to discuss if TNA has capitalized on #GiveDivasAChance as well as who she thinks doesn’t get the recognition they deserve in TNA.

How have you found that TNA has capitalize on #GiveDivasAChance?

I don’t think it’s ever really changed. The true wrestling fans that watch TNA Impact, I think they’ve always known. I don’t want to say they take it for granted in anyway but they always just know that TNA and Impact Wrestling are going to give them women’s wrestling. It’s almost like they want to see it in the WWE and this is why they are so vocal as well. I don’t know if anything really changed.

I think we’ve always been strong with women’s wrestling and I think the fans have always known that. I think that’s a lot of the reason why they would tune in from the feedback I get from it through social media or meeting fans or that’s one of the things that I think that they love is that they would always say Impact Wrestling treats the women really well and one of the reasons they love watching it is because the women’s actually wrestle. I’m just glad when I was fighting for us to wrestle I would always have people tell me Gail, women’s wrestling is for the bathroom breaks, you know they really don’t want to see it. I would get discouraged a little bit but I was very adamant so I’m glad that we girls proved them wrong.

Who would you say male or female doesn’t get the recognition they deserve in the promotion?

There are so many I can’t think. Just the X Division as a whole, I can’t really specify. I feel as though they are going out there and doing amazing things for once but if they could just combine that character and storyline with that ability I think it could just be brought to another level. I feel that Impact is pretty good about pushing those people as superstars. I think if anything it’s just a lack of storylines.

EC3, I’m not going to say he’s not because he treated really well and has been brought to the forefront but I just have to mention him because I think he’s so talented and I was just shocked when he got released from the WWE because I saw that potential in his talent and how he speaking and character and he can work it and he’s pretty amazing. I think he’s the future definitely.

People like Chris Melendez, this guy was veteran and now he’s a pro wrestler. That’s a true life hero and that’s happening right now TV. We need to capitalize a little bit on that as well. I really have to think about that.

I feel like there is just a lot of people like Rockstar Spud who won our first British Bootcamp. He’s an amazing talent and he might be overlooked from maybe the fans a little bit but the company does realize how big of a star he is but maybe because he is small guy but that guy really knows the business. He’s truly talented and I can see a great future for him as well.

You can read the entire interview here.

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