Impact spoilers for 3/20/14 show

March 20th episode:

* Angelina Love comes out and calls Velvet Sky to the ring for answers. Angelina says she and the fans want The Beautiful People to be friends again and they hug. Angelina calls out Madison Rayne and offers her a spot back in the group. Angelina mocks Madison and they have words. Madison respects Velvet and Angelina but wants no part in the group.

* BroMans defeated The Wolves and Sanada & Tigre Uno in a non-title triple threat match. BroMans got the pin on Tigre Uno after a very exciting tag match. Zema Ion ended up taking Senada’s X Division Title belt and distracting him.

* Bully Ray comes out and gets cheered for taking credit for Dixie Carter losing power at Lockdown. Bully says Dixie almost talked him into joining her but couldn’t. Bully says he’s going to put Bobby Roode through some tables and out comes Roode, who isn’t afraid of Ray and his tables. Ray calls Roode down to the ring and ends up putting him on a table at ringside but Roode escapes. They end up brawling into the ring and teasing more table spots but the segment ended with Ray spearing a table after Roode moved.

* Magnus defeated Samoa Joe with the TNA World Heavyweight Title on the line after MVP and Abyss interfered. Both MVP and Abyss were originally handcuffed at ringside but they fought after a ref bump. MVP stopped Abyss from using thumbtacks but Abyss laid him out at ringside. Abyss tossed a chair at Joe’s face, allowing Magnus to hit his finisher for the win. This was described as a chaotic ending.

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