Josh Alexander Confirms He Will Be A Free Agent In 2025: I’m Looking At Everywhere Right Now

Former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Josh Alexander appeared on today’s episode of Insight With Chris Van Vliet to discuss a wide range of topics, including his future wrestling career.

TNA opted to pick up the option year on his deal earlier this year. Now, it is slated to expire in February 2025. He addressed where he sees his future in the interview. Here are the highlights:

On whether he’s leaning in one direction ahead of free agency: “I would say no, just because I’m looking at everywhere right now…..Monday’s Raw, Tuesdays, NXT, Wednesdays, dynamite. Like, Thursday’s Impact. Like, I’m watching everything with my kids all week long, which is awesome because I get to share this, this passion with them, but at the same time, I’m watching the product going, you know, looking at NXT, being like, man, you know, me and Ethan [Page] could tag up, and we could face that tag team. That’d be awesome.”

On who he would want to wrestle: “I’d really love to have a match with, like, Pete Dunne or GUNTHER, you know, the list goes on, and then you watch Dynamite, and I’m just like, man, I’ve torn it up with Will [Ospreay] and Takeshita in the past. Like, I would sure love to do that on a bigger stage. And like, one bucket list thing I might have, like, a wrestler that’s still, you know, out there wrestling that I would really love to get a chance to wrestle his Edge. He’s an AEW, you know what I mean. And there’s Japan. We’re like, Shingo is the one guy in my bucket list that was like, this is doable. I’m gonna make this happen. And like, him and Ishi were, like, neck and neck, and I made the Ishi match happen. Shin goes the other way. So I just look at the landscape of it, where I can go and where the talent is. I want to work with everybody’s kind of stacked, you know, roster wise, and like, just, you know, to be able to tell stories and stuff like that with these people, like, the options are all open.”

On what is the one thing he’s looking at to make the decision: “Probably just personal fulfillment and like that. A bunch of things go into that. Like, I love wrestling. I love the actual act of wrestling. You give me 20 minutes on TV or pay-per-view, I’ll go out there and do everything I can to make magic happen. So where do the opportunities come? That’s probably the most important part, right? But, you know, obviously, money plays a factor. Like I said, two sons, a wife, I need to upgrade, you know, where we’re living because my kids are only getting bigger and more crazy….I’m just lucky to be in this situation where, like, you said, come February 15, like, there’s gonna be people that are interested in me, and we’re gonna have to figure out where it falls. Like, I said, TNA is not out of the conversation, like I told them, I want to experience free agency for the first time in my career. I’m very grateful for everything we’ve been able to do over the six years, and we’ve continued to do this year since they picked up my extension. But yeah, so it all comes down to February 15, who’s calling me and who’s saying what.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Insight With Chris Van Vliet with an h/t to for the transcription.

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