Looks like the TNA name is going away, news and notes from this week’s show

– Anthem Sports & Entertainment is in the process of phasing out the TNA name. The official company name will be Impact Wrestling going forward. There is a lot of housecleaning going on with the website scheduled for an overhaul and Don West being brought in to help sell old merchandise from their warehouse. Bringing back West has paid off because they sold over 800 brown bag items on the first day of their liquidation sale. You have to give credit to Jeff Jarrett because West’s return was done at his suggestion.

The TNA name has always had a negative stigma around it so it’s a good idea to phase it out. Vince Russo takes credit for the TNA name. If there is any doubt, yes it was a play on T&A since they were doing a lot of adult storylines during their early years, including showing a topless woman on one of their early weekly pay-per-views.

– For those of you that have asked, yes, the new Aron Rex and Rockstar Spud gimmick was inspired by Liberace. It’s a gimmick that Rex wanted to do when he was Damien Sandow in WWE.

As some of you saw, a new Impact Wrestling Grand Champion was crowned on Impact Wrestling. Here are some clips from this week’s episode:





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