Matt Hardy: “It Was Very Cool That Jeff Was Able To Pay His Respects And Honor The Fiend On TNA Impact”

Jeff Hardy was trending on social media this week after fans shared the photo of him wearing Bray Wyatt/Fiend-inspired paint on his face at the recent TNA Impact Wrestling tapings. 

Matt Hardy worked closely with Bray several years ago when they teamed together in WWE. On his “Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, Matt talked about Jeff’s decision to wear the facepaint.

“Yes, it was 100% inspired from The Fiend mask. Jeff said, ‘Hey, do you think this would be cool if I did it, you know, kind of as a tribute. I said, ‘Yeah, man, It would be awesome. I think it would be great. It would be very cool for your face paint.” He’s done some stuff that was very skeleton- like as we approach Halloween season and whatnot. He said, ‘I want to try and pull this off’, and it was absolutely identical. It was very cool that Jeff was able to pay his respects and honor The Fiend on TNA Impact.”

If you missed it, here is Jeff’s tribute to Bray:

Matt Hardy’s podcast drops every Friday at If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit with a h/t to for the transcription.

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