Nick Aldis explains what it was like to work with Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo in TNA

Global Force Wrestling talent Nick Aldis participated in a Reddit Ask Me Anything this past week and answered several questions from fans. Here are the highlights.

On working with Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, and Vince Russo while in TNA:

“Hulk was always friendly and respectful to me. I wish I had approached him more.

Eric and I have a better respect/relationship now than we did then. Partly my fault for not being more forward, partly his for being a little elitist in the early days of his tenure.

Russo and I have an ok relationship. I find him entertaining as a human being. Frustrating working for him.”

On how he maintains his physique and his new book:

“Diet and exercise are really 50 50 if you want to be your best. All the key info is in my new book “The Superstar Body ” available now from amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all other good book retailers. For paperback, visit (UK)”


On promotion and talents he’d like to work with:

“There are some great promotions I’d like to work with including PWG. Loads of talent I want to work with: Young Bucks, Cabana, Moose, Chris Hero, Rampage Brown, Shinsuke Nakamura, Machine gun KA and tons more.

I’d love to work for/with NJPW.

As for WWE/NXT, they’re excellent, obviously. I’d like to explore any and all possibilities if an opportunity presented itself. However, I’m dialed in and committed to making Global a success.”

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