RVD shares scary number of concussions he’s had during his career

Rob Van Dam spoke with WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin on this week’s episode of the Steve Austin Show podcast to promote his Headstrong documentary. 

This documentary looks at his symptoms and difficulties of his ongoing brain injuries due to him dealing with concussions throughout the years while in the pro wrestling business. 

This is where he revealed, “I’ve had hundreds, seriously, hundreds, of concussions.”

The current Impact Wrestling star talked about the immediate effects of being hit in the head. He recalled working with Balls Mahoney in ECW where Mahoney would him in the head with a chair and there was the sound of a ‘crack’ before everything he saw being in slow motion. 

He recalled sometimes where the sound goes out while other times everything would be spinning. 

RVD stated that concussions weren’t something that he took seriously in the early part of his career. In fact, he thought the effects wouldn’t be long-lasting. Instead, just feeling the instantaneous ‘woozyness’ was all that he would have to deal with. 

“I had double vision, but I just couldn’t shake it off and I kept thinking well. You know, it’ll be gone tomorrow, so I’m not gonna let anybody know. The show must go on.”

You can listen to the entire interview by clicking on the player below:

H/T to SEScoops for the transcription

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