Spoilers for tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling

Here are the spoilers for tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling on Pop TV:

— Cody and Brandi Rhodes are in the ring. Cody cut a promo about wrestling all over the world and said that he’s back in TNA. Cody mentions the Anthem owl logo and says they need to name it, then says the crowd is too sweet. He wanted to thank Moose and called him out, which he did. Cody thanked him for helping out Brandi against The Decay and said that Moose is like family now. Cody ends up getting mad about Brandi having Moose’s phone number, then asks if they intended to sleep together. Cody kicks Moose in the balls. Cody ends up beating Moose down, then he makes a Bullet Club hand gesture and grabs Brandi’s arm to leave.

— Jessie Godderz defeated Bram.

— Jade walks down to the ring and cuts a promo about Rosemary. She calls her out. Rosemary says The Decay is finished with her. Jade disagrees and challenges Rosemary to a Last Knockout Standing match, and Rosemary agrees to it.

– Tyrus def. Eli Drake DQ when Eli hits Earl Hebner.

– TNA World Title match: Josh Barnett def. Lashley (c). Post-match Brian Hebner said that missed Lashley having his shoulder up. Brian Stiffler comes out to argue that Lashley had his shoulder up. While Barnett is holding the TNA Title in the ramp, Earl Hebner comes out to consult with both officials. Earl calls for the match to be restarted. ashley def. Josh Barnett. Lashley left with the title and is still champion.

– The Wedding of Laurel and Braxton takes place. Braxton Sutter comes out with his groomsmen: Mike Bennett, Aron Rex, and Rockstar Spud. Maria Kanellis Bennett comes out with Sienna. Laurel Van Ness is introduced. Allie comes out reluctantly. Braxton proclaims his love for Allie as the crowd goes nuts. Maria gets angry and fires Allie. Allie won’t take it, she won’t be fired, she quits. She hits Maria. A brawl breaks out. Braxton and Allie kiss. Moose, DJ Z, Andrew Everett, Brandi Rhodes, and Edwards come out to the ring to drink champagne and dance in the ring to close out the show.

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