Spoilers from the January 12th Impact Wrestling TV tapings

TNA held an Impact Wrestling TV taping on Thursday from Orlando, FL at Universal Studios. Here are the spoilers:

– The DCC walk out and challenge The Decay to a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

– DCC (James Storm, Bram, and Kingston) def. Decay (Crazzy Steve and Abyss).

– Bobby Lashley walks down to the ring and cuts a promo about beating EC3 and Eddie Edwards. He says there isn’t a wrestler or MMA fighter that can challenge him. This led to Josh Barnett walking out and said that Lashley was feeding the fans lies. Lashley offers him a chance to get out of the ring or else. Josh responds by nearly locking Lashley in an armbar before Lashley escapes. Barnett challenges him to a match and Lashley accepts.

– Impact Grand Championship Match: Moose def. Drew Galloway (c) by split decision to win the Impact Grand Championship

– Eddie Edwards walked out and said that he is here to beat up Davey Richards. He said that Richards was like a brother to him and that he betrayed him. Angelina Love comes out and says Eddie gets Davey when she says so. She asked him where he was when Richards was at home with a torn ACL and while she was pregnant. She introduces Richards, who walked down to the ring and got into a brawl with Edwards. Edwards grabs a mic and wants a street fight tonight.

– Josh Barnett def. Bad Bones. Lashley was on commentary

– TNA Knockouts Championship Last Knockout Standing Match: Rosemary (c) def. Jade

– James Storm def. Jessie Godderz

– Street Fight: Davey Richards (w/Angelina Love) vs. Eddie Edwards never has an official decision. Richards laid out Edwards with a chair. During this, Edwards’ wife is handcuffed to the ring. Angelina Love kicks Earl Hebner in the groin and makes the count herself.

– TNA World Title match: Josh Barnett def. Lashley (c). Post-match Brian Hebner said that missed Lashley having his shoulder up. Brian Stiffler comes out to argue that Lashley had his shoulder up. While Barnett is holding the TNA Title in the ramp, Earl Hebner comes out to consult with both officials. Earl calls for the match to be restarted.

– Lashley def. Josh Barnett. Lashley left with the title and is still champion.

– The Wedding of Laurel and Braxton takes place. Braxton Sutter comes out with his groomsmen: Mike Bennett, Aron Rex, and Rockstar Spud. Maria Kanellis Bennett comes out with Sienna. Laurel Van Ness is introduced. Allie comes out reluctantly. Braxton proclaims his love for Allie as the crowd goes nuts. Maria gets angry and fires Allie. Allie won’t take it, she won’t be fired, she quits. She hits Maria. A brawl breaks out. Braxton and Allie kiss. Moose, DJ Z, Andrew Everett, Brandi Rhodes, and Edwards come out to the ring to drink champagne and dance in the ring to close out the tapings.

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