Spoilers from the July 30th, 2015 Impact Wrestling TV taping

TNA held another Impact Wrestling TV taping on Thursday night from Orlando, Florida at the Sound Stage 20 at Universal Studios. These matches will air most likely in September on Destination America.

– X-Division Title match: Tigre Uno © defeated Kenny King.

– Jeremy Borash tried to film someone wearing a Bigfoot costume that was in the crowd, but Bigfoot ran away and danced.

– Dixie Carter announced a #1 contender’s match with the five winners of Lethal Lockdown.

– Lumberjack match: Chris Melendez defeated Eric Young.

– Knockouts Title match: Gail Kim © defeated Jade. Post-match, Rebel and Marti Belle attacked Gail until Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne made the save.

– TNA World Heavyweight Title match: EC3 © defeated Rockstar Spud. Post-match, EC3 ordered Jeff Hardy to attack Spud but he refused. Matt Hardy ran down to the ring to attack the champ, but Tyrus took him out. EC3 ordered Jeff to attack his brother, but he refused and attacked both Tyrus and EC3.

– Abyss cut a promo about James Storm and how he was leaving The Revolution. Abyss exited the ring as Manik took his mask off and left the ring as well. Mahabali Shera came out and issued a challenge to Storm.

– Elimination #1 contenders match: Drew Galloway defeated Lashley, Bram and The Wolves.

– Jeff Hardy cuts a promo in the ring about how he’s done being EC3’s assistant. Matt Hardy is revealed to be in the Bigfoot costume and will face Tyrus at Genesis.

– Singles match: Awesome Kong defeated Brooke Tessmacher.

– Triple Threat match: Trevor Lee defeated DJ Zema Ion and Tommaso Ciampa.

– No DQ match: Shera defeated James Storm.

– Handicap match: Rebel, Marti and Jade defeated Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne

– Dixie Carter, Drew Galloway and EC3 do an in-ring segment hyping the main event of Bound for Glory.

– Tag Team match: Galloway and Matt Hardy defeated Ethan and Tyrus.

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