Tessa Blanchard won the Impact Wrestling World Title at Hard To Kill PPV

Impact Wrestling’s Hard To Kill pay-per-view in Dallas, Texas was headlined by Tessa Blanchard challenging Sami Callihan for the Impact World Championship in an Intergender Match.

Callihan attacked Blanchard early in an attempt to get a quick victory but Blanchard fought back by hitting the Magnum (codebreaker) off the top and she came close to pinning Callihan in the first minute of the match. Josh Mathews noted that Blanchard’s family was sitting at ringside.

Callihan worked over Blanchard’s leg so she was at a disadvantage because she had to work with a hurt leg. Late in the match, Blanchard was powerbombed through a table but she was barely able to get back in the ring before the 10-count. Blanchard and Callihan traded blows on the ring apron but Callihan raked the eyes and Blanchard did the same back to Callihan. Blanchard hit the Magnum (codebreaker) on Callihan from the second rope onto Callihan but Blanchard was favoring her knee so she couldn’t follow up right away.

Moments later back in the ring, Blanchard was able to hit a Samoan Drop even with her knee buckling. Blanchard hit the Magnum again but Callihan kicked out of the pin attempt. Callihan took over on offense and he hit his signature shoulder breaker “Get Out of Here” move but Blanchard kicked out of the pin attempt. Callihan hit a snap dragon suplex but she was up right away, hit a kick to the face and the cutter but Callihan barely kicked out before 3.

Callihan was about to hit Tessa with the belt but the ref took the belt away. Tessa hit a low blow while the ref wasn’t looking and then Tessa hit the Magnum off the top rope and almost pinned Sami. She then locked him in a crossface but he powered up and got back on his feet and then hit the piledriver on her but Tessa kicked out again. Tessa hit 2 Canadian Destroyers and a DDT to win the title.

Click here for complete Impact Wrestling Hard To Kill results.

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